Brand-new Liberation Collection in the Library
22 September 2020
Hertford’s Library is home to a brand-new collection of reading material which celebrates diversity and raises awareness of the struggles faced by people from minority backgrounds and oppressed groups.
The new Liberation Collection has been organised by the student JCR Equalities Reps in collaboration with Librarian Alice Roques and Prof. Elizabeth Baldwin, Hertford’s Fellow for Equality & Diversity. The varied texts shine a light on the injustices – both past and present – faced by a wide range of groups in society through the power of a diversified and decolonised set of academic literature.
“The new collection is a promising step forward in Hertford’s commitment to proactive and continual education on issues of social inequality,” said BME Rep, Caleb Bram, who has been instrumental in establishing the collection. He continued: “With a range of academic texts covering topics such as race, class, empire, gender, sexuality, and women’s rights, the collection sets out to liberate readers from past ignorance and change the narrative surrounding issues that have historically been misconceived or ignored entirely.”
Want to find out more? You can view all the titles in a specially-tagged reading list on SOLO, Oxford’s library database:
If you’re a current member of college, then all of the print books in the collection are available as postal loans until the Library reopens for the start of Michaelmas Term. To request postal loans, readers can use this online form, which can also be used to suggest books for purchase by the Library: