Fees, finance & support
Course fees
Course fees are for the provision of tuition, supervision, academic services and facilities by the college and University. They do not include residential or other living costs – see our separate living costs page for details of these costs at Hertford College. Home (UK) and Republic of Ireland students starting courses in 2021 will be charged ÂŁ9,250 per annum and can access a loan from the UK government for the full amount of the course fee. This means that you do not need to pay any course fees upfront.
From 2021, students from the European Union (except the Republic of Ireland), European Economic Area and Switzerland will no longer be eligible for Home fees. If you are from outside the UK or Ireland, you will be classed either as an Overseas or Islands (Channel Islands/Isle of Man) student and will not be eligible for a loan from the UK government. If you are an Overseas student, you will be charged a significantly higher level of course fee, which will vary according to your programme of study (see the University’s courses listing for full details).
Financial support
Financial support towards your course fees and living costs may be available from the UK government, the University of Oxford, and/or Hertford College. Find out more about student loans, bursaries, scholarships, and our generous student support funds using these links.