Wonderful webinars
16 December 2020
At the start of the summer we welcomed back our students for a virtual term, unlike anything else in our 700-year history. Our tutors and students alike adapted to the challenge like ducks to water, quickly arranging online tutorials and social events.
With lockdown fatigue setting in, we launched Hertford Responds to try and make sense of the ‘new normal’. Drawing on the expertise of Hertford fellows, the webinar series examined the pandemic and its knock-on effects, from rapid testing technology and modelling software, to risk management and global supply chains. Hertford Responds built on the success of our first-ever virtual John Donne Lecture at the end of April, when Academic Visitor Susie Orbach gave a fascinating talk on disembodiment and psychoanalysis. One benefit of lockdown was our new mastery of Zoom, meaning that all of this year’s webinars are still available to watch via our virtual events hub.