Professor Tony Wilson
Tony graduated from the University of Oxford in 1976 and completed his DPhil in 1979. Following a period as an SRC Advanced Fellow and Research fellow at Brasenose College he became a Member of Technical Staff at Bell laboratories in the USA. He was appointed as a Tutorial Fellow in Engineering Science at Hertford in 1984.
Research interests
Tony’s research lies in the broad area of applied optics with particular emphasis on the development of high-resolution optical microscopes and related systems. This work is necessarily both theoretical and experimental in nature with the aim of providing end users – often researchers in the biosciences — with state-of-the-art imaging equipment. Current research areas include confocal, multi-photon and widefield sectioning microscopes, with applications ranging from bio-imaging to materials characterisation.  His work, which is firmly based in science and applied in nature, has led to the formation of two companies, Oxford Optoelectronics Ltd. and Aurox Ltd, and resulted in eleven major awards. The most recent, in 2012, are the Institute of Physics innovation Award and a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the innovation category.
Tony is also Thousand Talents Professor at the Harbin institute of Technology, President of the Royal Microscopical Society, General Editor of the Journal of Microscopy and Junior Warden of the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers. He is also an honorary fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society.
Find out more about Tony’s publications on the Engineering Department website.