Dr Elsa Court
College Lecturer in Modern Languages (French Lectrice)
Dr Elsa Court BA, MA (Paris IV-La Sorbonne), PhD (University College London) is an Early-Career Researcher in modern French and American literature and Stipendiary Lecturer in French at Hertford College and St Peter’s College, Oxford. She is currently at work on a nonfiction title about multilingualism and creativity.
Undergraduate Teaching
Elsa Court teaches Prelim and FHS language papers at Hertford and St Peter’s.
Research interests
Elsa Court’s first monograph, The American Roadside in Émigré Literature, Film, and Photography (Palgrave 2020) is about marginal representations of modern American spaces from French, British, and German perspectives. She has written on topics ranging from geographic and social mobilities, parallel languages, translation, and life writing.
Journal Articles
- “Deux étés”: The (Auto)fiction of the French Translation of Vladimir Nabokov’s “Ada” Life Writing, 20 (Forthcoming)
Chapters in Edited Collections
- ‘Teaching Translation as Close-Reading Exercise’, in Unending Translation: Creative-Critical Experiments in Translation and Life Writing, ed. by Delphine Grass and Lily Robert-Foley (London: UCL Press, Forthcoming)
- The American Roadside in Émigré Literature, Film, and Photography 1955-85 (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020)